The Gorge (2025)

The Gorge (2025)

The Gorge (2025) plunges into a sci-fi romance-thriller that teeters on the edge of brilliance and chaos, streaming straight to Apple TV+. Miles Teller and Anya Taylor-Joy star as Levi and Drasa, elite snipers guarding opposite towers of a mist-shrouded gorge hiding a monstrous secret. Forbidden from contact, their isolation sparks a daring connection—until the gorge’s hollow horrors force them into a fight for survival and each other.

The dynamic between Levi and Drasa sizzles—Teller’s ragged charm meets Taylor-Joy’s sharp intensity, grounding a shaky script with raw chemistry. The hollow men—twisted, branch-like soldiers—add eerie menace, though the plot stumbles in its rush to explain. The action is taut, with sniper duels and creature clashes that grip despite uneven pacing.

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